so hard, it truly is... hugs, Terry
cha ching
JoinedPosts by cha ching
Crow Woe
by TerryWalstrom in“oh mommy!” the little girl in the floral dress cooed to her mother.. i felt the same.. that splash of vivid brightness on such a perfect creature takes your breath away!the delicate robin whose crimson colored breast chased ugliness from sight delighted little children on starbucks patio.. better still, her nest in a nearby tree stirs a keen anticipation for summer’s hatchling sounds of chirpy appetites and a renewal of hope for our futures, the little things and we ourselves.. i barely spy her nest, exquisitely fashioned, basket-like; roundish and stout.
she flits charmingly now...and again keeping custodial observance of her eggs.
such treasures!
August 2017 Watchtower - Screwing with J.W.'s minds again
by The Searcher inin the latest issue of double-speak, i'd like to highlight these two statements:.
page 3, par.
2 - " encouraging it is to know that jehovah’s faithful servants in the past felt free to express the same question that may loom in our minds, and they were not condemned for asking it!
cha ching
This is the kind of thing that fries people's brains....
Damned if you do, Damned if you don't.
It's about progress, not perfection...
by scratchme1010 ini guess at this point in time and space i'm ok if there's an indication of things going in the right direction.. my jw father, who joined the jws in 1973 when i was 8, has always had all the characteristics of the stereotypical brainwashed born again weirdo.
as a jw he always felt the need to show that he was more devoted than the rest of the crop.
to him, life became very easy from that point on: "the bible", interpreted by the millions of wt publications, along with the information in the meetings and getting involved in all jw activities, were the answer to everything and anything in his life".
cha ching
I feel the same way you do, my mom is a J-dub, & my dad has never been one.
My mom, and us 4 kids, always were doing JW things... meetings, service, conventions, and my dad was basically on his own, in his own world... He was a hunter/ fisherman, belonged to a club, had friends, but there were two family world's.
Now, he is in his late 80s, my mom is a few years younger, I am not a JW anymore (left in 2012) and they need help.
My mom had to call..... she needed help, she even used her cell phone... Usually, she speaks to me in a "business like" tone, afraid of the boogeyman, but with more 'communication' she is becoming more relaxed.
We will see what the future holds, it is hard for me not to get mad and tell her off.... I was never DF'd. My husband, was DF'd for testifying for WT.
The WT is very evil for separating families, making them suspicious, preventing them from bonding, enjoying life. WT is a blackmailed.
I hope one day, the "curtain will be pulled open" and "the wall" will come down, and families will be families once more.
Just a quick Poll...Do you think the GB is sincere?
by NikL ini've been thinking about this the past few days and curious what the honest consensus is here just for fun.. show of hands,.
is the governing body.... a: completely sincere.
they really do believe what they teach.. b: somewhat sincere.
cha ching
I believe they know... I know, and I don't even hear all the crap THEY do. I am not an elder, I am not a man.
I know...... I have seen enough of them, heard enough from them....They know...
WT PDF file "Child Safeguarding Policy of Jehovah's Witnesses in Australia"
by kpop injust passing on a link i found.
i didn't see anyone here post it so i hope i can share this.
download and pass it on!
cha ching
Thanks, kpop!
July's watchtower leaves out some important info from a quote!
by stavro injerome over on discuss the truth has picked up on something interesting.. in the july watchtower on page 28 of the article entitled “winning the battle for your mind” the following statement is made “keep in mind that satan does not want you to think clearly or reason things out well.
because propaganda is likely to be most effective, says one source, if people… are discouraged from thinking critically.”.
the quote comes from a book entitled: “media and society in the twentieth century: a historical introduction by lyn gorman, david mclean" the watchtower however, chose to leave out a portion of the quote.. the full quote is "therefore, it is likely to be most effective if people do not have access to multiple sources of information and if they are discouraged from thinking critically.. the following sentence which the watchtower also decided was best not to include states,.
cha ching
stavro... thank you for posting this, it totally shows them up for what they are!
July's watchtower leaves out some important info from a quote!
by stavro injerome over on discuss the truth has picked up on something interesting.. in the july watchtower on page 28 of the article entitled “winning the battle for your mind” the following statement is made “keep in mind that satan does not want you to think clearly or reason things out well.
because propaganda is likely to be most effective, says one source, if people… are discouraged from thinking critically.”.
the quote comes from a book entitled: “media and society in the twentieth century: a historical introduction by lyn gorman, david mclean" the watchtower however, chose to leave out a portion of the quote.. the full quote is "therefore, it is likely to be most effective if people do not have access to multiple sources of information and if they are discouraged from thinking critically.. the following sentence which the watchtower also decided was best not to include states,.
cha ching
No - by quoting an outside source it gives the pretence of suggesting that the article is an open and transparent document, supported by secular sources. It provides a faux aura of being serious journalism.
I agree kc99....
That has always been their M.O...... and usually, they do not even give you the title of the book, the author, the page, the paragraph...
Just nebulous pieces of "believe and you will be saved" crap.
Religious Repression and silencing dissent.
by biblexaminer indo you want to stop religious repression?.
contact .
u.s. commission on international religious freedom .
cha ching
Interesting that they have an office for that.... good to know, thx.
The 'Like' button option is a joke
by fukitol ini just 'liked' the same post 6 times in a row.. what a joke simon.
sort it out!.
cha ching
Dear op... I think your name says it all ; -)
Could use some advice, divorce and children
by SonOfLiberty ini understand a lot of you have had experience with different situations but i just need to see if there is anything to shed light on my situation.. i separated from my wife of 13 yrs (been apart for the past 2 now), and left.
this was our second separation.
i couldn't deal with her ways anymore so i chose to leave.
cha ching
So sorry you are going thru this... Focus on your children, do not let even the "brothers" bully you, by making you go to a judicial hearing.
Build your relationship with your two children (and even your older one if possible) by taking them camping, bowling, arts & crafts, music, all of the things you miss as a J-dub.
They will love being with you, and just may find a way to open their minds to new ideas.... You ARE the other parent, you have just as MUCH a right to raise your children according to YOUR ideas as your wife does. What if you had always been Catholic. Why wouldn't a Catholic father have just as much say as a JW wife? What if she tried to prevent HIM from taking them to church? Both parents have rights. Don't forget that.
That being said, do NOT meet with AN elder, two elders or any "let's just talk" thing.... Nope, don't do it. Don't answer the phone, door, etc...If they DO happen to run into you, tell them you have things you are working thru. You are "depressed", you are "whatever"...... Do not give them details... Sorry....
The minute you go down the rabbit hole, you are a done deal... DF'd.